
Sicknesses and Styles

Every writer has a 'sickness' (sorry for the word, but that's how I call it) -- a weakness. An evidence that they're not perfect. A room for improvement.
Some weaknesses are curable --and with varied levels of curability, while some aren't.
Some writers are more creative; others are more gifted technically. Some are better with descriptions, others with dialogues. Some are experts when it comes to touching the reader's emotions.

Some appeared better when they are writing a specific genre (or subgenre of romance), some can excel in anything.

No writer is perfect; just as no style is better than the other.

Style is SUBJECTIVE. There is no productivity in comparing one writer's style to that of another writer, unless it's a constructive, honest-to-goodness criticism.

Create your own and though you cant please everyone with it, be proud.
Be authentic. Be you. :)


First Meeting

Your main characters should meet within the first 10 pages of your manuscript. 

Readers are eagerly anticipating their magical, sexual-tension-filled, heart-stopping, knee-melting, blush-inducing, sparks-flying first meeting, don't make them wait too long. ;)